引用本文:熊冉, 张天付, 乔占峰, 贺训云, 王慧.塔里木盆地奥陶系蓬莱坝组碳酸盐岩缓坡沉积特征及油气勘探意义[J].沉积与特提斯地质,2019,39(1):42-49.[点击复制]
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(中国石油杭州地质研究院, 浙江 杭州 310023)
关键词:  碳酸盐岩缓坡沉积  沉积特征  油气勘探意义  蓬莱坝组  塔里木盆地
The carbonate ramp deposits from the Ordovician Penglaiba Formation in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang: sedimentary characteristics and their implications for petroleum exploration
XIONG Ran, ZHANG Tianfu, QIAO Zhanfeng, HE Xunyun, WANG Hui
(Hangzhou Institute of Geology, CNPC, Hangzhou 310023, Zhejiang, China)
The dolostones widely developed in the Ordovician Penglaiba Formation are selected as one of the major targets for petroleum exploration in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang. The distribution of the reservoir rocks is obviously controlled by the sedimentary facies. According to the seismic interpretation, outcrop and borehole data, the dolostones in the Penglaiba Formation are interpreted as the carbonate ramp deposits. The sedimentary model is manifested in the slightly rimmed-restricted platform model. Judged from the seismic-stratigraphic analysis and the variations of stratigraphic thickness, development of the oolitic shoals, and lithologic characteristics, the Penglaiba Formation is speculated to settle down in the ramp sedimentary environment composed of the inner ramp, middle ramp and outer ramp facies. The middle ramp and outer ramp facies are believed to be favourable for the development of the oolitic shoals. The widespread middle ramp high-energy carbonate shoals in the areas of northern Tazhong uplift, Shunnan-Gucheng zone and southern Tabei uplift are delineated as the favourable areas for petroleum exploration in the dolostone reservoirs in the Penglaiba Formation. The new information presented in this study may serve as a useful reference to the future petroleum exporation in the Penglaiba Formation in the Tarim Basin.
Key words:  carbonate ramp deposit  sedimentary characteristics  implication for petroleum exploration  Penglaiba Formation  Tarim Basin

