引用本文:林良彪, 陈洪德, 张长俊.四川盆地西北部中三叠世雷口坡期岩相古地理[J].沉积与特提斯地质,2007,(3):51-58.[点击复制]
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(成都理工大学"油气藏地质与开发工程"国家重点实验室, 四川成都 610059)
关键词:  四川盆地西北部  中三叠世  雷口坡期  岩相古地理
Sedimentary facies and palaeogeography of northwestern Sichuan Basin during the Leikoupoan (Middle Triassic)
LIN Liang-biao, CHEN Hong-de, ZHANG Chang-jun
(State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploration, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan, China)
Three sedimentary subfacies are recognized in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation in northwestern Sichuan Basin, including the evaporate platform, restricted platform and open platform subfacies, of which the restricted platform subfacies is accentuated. The sedimentary environments during Stages 1 -5 of the Leikoupoan spanned the evolutionary processes from deepening to shallowing to deepening again.During Stage 1, the evaporate platform deposits were developed over a vast area of the Guangyuan-Wangcang and Zitong-Santai regions, and the gypsum lake deposits occurred extensively in the Zitong region. During Stage 2, the evaporate platform deposits were restricted only in the Wangcang and Zitong regions, and the restricted platform deposits appeared in other regions. With the deepening of water body during Stage 3, the Wangcang region was occupied completely by the open platform deposits, and the gypsum lake deposits disappeared in the Zitong region. During Stage 4, the restricted platform deposits were organized in much of the study area and the gypsum lake deposits became into existence once again in the Zitong region. During Stage 5, the open platform deposits covered the study area once again. The sea-level fluctuations are believed to be the important factors controlling the development and spatial distribution of sedimentary facies.
Key words:  northwestern Sichuan Basin  Middle Triassic  Leikoupoan  sedimentary facies and palaeogeography

