摘要: |
笔者应用层序地层学及事件地层学的理论和方法,结合近10年来在黔东北及邻区发现的一些新类型菱锰矿矿床地质成果,重新对黔东北及邻区下震旦统进行高分辨率层序地层划分和对比,在此基础上编制了新一代岩相古地理图,并建立了相应的沉积相模式。根据已经发现和探明的菱锰矿矿床的区域分布规律与成矿条件,指出了该区大中型或中小型矿床的沉积环境分布范围,圈出了隐伏区一些聚锰盆地的大致位置,为今后找矿勘探工作提出了优选靶区。 |
关键词: 菱锰矿矿床 沉积环境 岩相古地理 早震旦世 黔东北及邻区 |
DOI: |
附件 |
投稿时间:2000-12-06 |
基金项目: |
Sedimentary facies and palaeogeography during the Early Sinian and potential of the rhodochrosite deposits in northeastern Guizhou and its adjacent areas |
HE Ming-hua |
(No. 103 Geological Party, Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Tongren 554300, Guizhou, China) |
Abstract: |
The Lower Sinian strata in northeastern Guizhou and its adjacent areas are redivided according to the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy with the aid of the theories and techniques of sequence stratigraphy and event stratigraphy, referenced to the pre-existing geological results on the new types of rhodochrosite deposits in these areas. The sedimentary facies and palaeogeographic map is reconstructed and associated sedimentary facies model is presented. The sedimentary environments of the rhodochrosite deposits of varying sizes and manganese-impounding basins are delineated for the study areas. |
Key words: rhodochrosite deposit sedimentary environment sedimentary facies and palaeogeog raphy Early Sinian northeastern Guizhou and its adjacent areas |